When You Believe:瑪麗亞凱莉與惠妮休斯頓兩大天后破天荒合唱

俗語說王不見王。但瑪麗亞凱莉(Mariah Caley)與惠妮休斯頓(Whitney Houston)這兩大傳奇天后,曾經破天荒合唱過一首歌,就是1998年賣座動畫電影「埃及王子」(The Prince of Egypt)的主題曲「When You Believe」。

When You Believe收錄在埃及王子原聲帶中,由金獎作曲大師Stephen Schwartz譜曲、超級王牌製作人Babyface製作,再由瑪麗亞凱莉清亮的高音與惠妮休斯頓雄厚的中低音,將這首歌曲詮釋的美妙而動人。

When You Believe在Billboard百大單曲中得最佳成績為第15名,成人當代榜則是拿下第3名。這首歌也榮獲第71屆奧斯卡金像獎「最佳原創歌曲」寶座。

When You Believe絕對不是因為靠著這四張王牌的名氣,才被稱為經典;而是不管是歌曲旋律、歌詞的意境以及兩大天后的唱功,都足以讓這首歌站穩經典之列!

這世上只有一有歌,能讓你同時擁有瑪麗亞凱莉與惠妮休斯頓,就是When You Believe!

When you believe的歌詞語中文翻譯:

Many nights we prayed, with no proof anyone could hear
多少個夜晚我們在祈禱 卻沒有證據證明有人能聽到
In our hearts a hopeful song, we barely understood
在我們心中有首希望之歌 自己幾乎不能理解
Now we are not afraid, although we know there’s much to fear
現在我們不害怕了 儘管我們知道還有許多令人害怕的事
We were moving mountains long before we knew we could
我們在不知情的情況下 其實早已做過一些偉大的事情

There can be miracles, when you believe
奇蹟將會出現 只要你願意相信
Though hope is frail, it’s hard to kill
希望雖然渺茫 卻很難抹滅
Who knows what miracles, you can achieve
When you believe, somehow you will
只要你願意相信 你就會
You will when you believe
只要你願意相信 你就會做到

In this time of fear, when prayer so often proves in vain
在害怕的時候 祈禱經常徒勞無用
Hope seems like the summer birds, too swiftly flown away
希望就像夏日裏的鳥兒 悄然飛逝
Yet now I’m standing here, my heart so full I can’t explain
現在我站在這而 心中充實卻無法解釋
Seeking faith and speaking words, I’d never thought I’d say
尋找信仰並作出承諾 我從未想過我會這麼說

There can be miracles, when you believe (When you believe)
奇蹟會出現 只要你願意相信 (只要你願意相信)
Though hope is frail, it’s hard to kill
儘管希望渺茫 卻很難抹滅
Who knows what miracles, you can achieve (You can achieve)
When you believe, somehow you will
只要你願意相信 你就會
You will when you believe
只要你願意相信 你就會做到

They don’t always happen when you ask
在你祈求的時候 奇蹟卻不總是出現
And it’s easy to give in to your fear
But when you’re blinded by your pain
Can’t see your way safe through the rain
A small but still resilient voice
Says help is very near

There can be miracles, when you believe (When you believe)
奇蹟會出現 只要你願意相信 (只要你願意相信)
Though hope is frail, it’s hard to kill
儘管希望渺茫 卻很難抹滅
Who knows what miracles, you can achieve (You can achieve)
When you believe, somehow you will
只要你願意相信 你就會
You will when you believe
只要你願意相信 你就會做到

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